GENTE – Green Entrepreneurship Skills for NEET Persons
– February 2022 – February 2024 –
The project will bring together young adults, especially women, who fall in the category of NEET and representatives of SMEs who are interested in making their business greener and give them the chance to explore the possibilities for cooperation.
It will offer NEET people the opportunity to participate in educational activities that will allow them to develop their skills, boost their employability and consider the possibility of starting their own green business.
The project suggests ways in which SMEs can turn environmental and social challenges into business opportunities, by involving NEET people in their activities, especially women, and taking advantage of their existing skills and competences.
The successful implementation of the project will form the basis for NEET’s integration in the European green labour market and society at large and set a good example for other organizations and stakeholders across Europe to follow.
The impact of the outcome will be twofold. First, it will encourage a more inclusive approach from local SMEs towards NEET people, especially women. Second, it will disseminate the experiences, knowledge and practices gained through the project’s actions across and beyond the network of partner organisations of GENTe.
PR1 – GENTe Interactive Training Curriculum
PR2 – GENTe Online Platform
PR3 – GENTe Interactive Guidebook
More about it can be seen here: