Innovative Cultural Heritage the Root of European Identity

The INTERACT project aimed to enter the transnational strategy of cultural tourism, which was promoted by the European Commission and aspired to carry out activities that promote competences and international touristic output. These activities focused on specific themes with remarkable growth potential, capable of addressing social concerns related to territorial cohesion, and the protection and valorisation of cultural and natural heritage. INTERACT’s main goal was to transfer new knowledge and skills about cultural mediation and theatrical and digital storytelling to operators, educators, and mediators. The aim was to co-create new cultural tourism products for the market.

INTERACT successfully followed the realization of these products through international experiences. The strategic partnership involved organizations with expertise in theatre, design, digital programming, and storytelling methods applied to cultural heritage from Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

The project aligned with the European Cultural Tourism sector policies, adopting innovative practices to offer authentic cultural experiences to tourists. There was a commitment to improving service quality, promoting historical traditions, preserving local culture, and enhancing landscapes and heritage. Based on this approach, INTERACT utilized the transnational cultural tourism strategy promoted by the European Commission.

The project was managed by the coordinator, FIND AN INTERNSHIP, with the support of a consortium of partners in the fields of Adult Education, Theatre, Non-Verbal Communication, Tale Practices, and Digital Media related to tourism. The partner organizations promoted new innovative tools, guidelines, and practices across different EU countries.

The INTERACT partnership included:

  • S.C PREDICT CSD from Romania
  • INTERACTING S.L from Spain
  • LOGOS POLSKA from Poland
  • FIND AN INTERNSHIP from the UK (Coordinator)

The project involved creating the following intellectual outputs:

GUIDE BOOKS: Theatrically guided tours with “guiding actors” wearing historical dresses, who talked about the principal historical and artistic points of interest in the European cities involved.

LEGENDS: A series of Legend books that talked about the legends connected with the principal historical and artistic points of interest in the cities.

APP: An Experiential Augmented Reality app for mobile devices, connected with the legend books, providing an immersive experience for users.

To access the INTERACT app and learn more about the project, visit the website:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-078950 / 01-12-2020 – 31-07-2023