Welcome to the project “Skills for Migrant Entrepreneurs!”

Migrants or refugees may represent an important workforce for the hosting EU countries and also they could help their economies especially if it could possible to train them to become new entrepreneurs.
EU has realized that the integration of immigrants plays a crucial role: Human Capital is a very important key of the innovative performance of regions and countries and the Research has demonstrated that human capital coming from the migration behaviour of skilled individuals is a significant source of innovation in host countries
The project wanted to realize tools to support the integration and the birth of new companies created by skilled migrants through Guides, training online and reports.
In the project we planned and realised:
– 6 Project Meetings
– 1 Joint Staff Training Event
– 6 Multiplier Events
– 5 Intellectual Outputs.
More about this project can be found here: theskills.eu

This material has been funded with support from the European Comission. The content of this material reflects the views only of the authors and the National Agency or the European Comission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information.