Digital Tools for Better Schools project
Covid19 pandemic has caught our formal education sectors by surprise and shed light on the importance of digital education for the digital transformation that Europe needs. European Commission`s 2020 public consultation results found that: (a) almost 60% of the respondents had not used distance and online learning before the crisis (b) 95% consider that the COVID-19 crisis marks a point of no return for how technology is used in education and training (c) respondents say that online learning resources and content need to be more relevant, interactive and easy to use. This situation created momentum for digital education and emphasised the increased need to harness the potential of digital technologies for teaching and learning and to develop digital skills for all. The increased disinformation and misinformation shared online during the pandemic also stressed the importance of building digital and media literacy, which has become essential for enabling people to navigate a world full of algorithms.
The project `Digital tools for better schools` (in line with the strategic priorities of the EU Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027) aims to contribute to the digital transformation and readiness of schools and teachers in the partner countries. The project also focuses on building the digital and media literacy of teachers. Our effort to support the effective shift towards digital education will be achieved by meeting the following objectives:
O1: To develop quality and free digital educational content (e-learning) enhancing competence development of teachers to provide high quality, inclusive digital education through digital games and other digital tools;
O2: To develop an understanding of how best to incorporate digital tools, including digital games into subject-specific teaching;
O3: To build digital and media literacy of teachers and give them knowledge and tools that could, as multipliers employ at their work, thus increasing the resilience of students to disinformation, fake news, and propaganda.
The project will produce the following results:
PR1: Gamification and game-based learning in schools – research study will develop an understanding of how best to incorporate digital tools, including digital games into subject-specific teaching
PR2: E-learning `Digital tools for better schools` will develop quality and free digital educational content (e-learning) enhancing the competence development of teachers as well as their digital and media literacy
PR3: Open Education Platform – scale-up will create a platform where project outputs and other topic-related activities of partners can be accessed by teachers “under one roof”
4 Multiplier Events will be organized (1 in each project country), which will result in dissemination of project results, extend the project impact and informing the relevant stakeholders.
Last but not least, the project will strengthen the partnership of 4 project partners. Our partnership is innovative due to its cross-sectoral nature – civil society organizations working with private sector partners, all working together towards a common goal.
The project will help the participating organizations to build their competence and to build on knowledge and embed outputs produced within this project into their existing programs.
- Impact Games – Slovakia
- Enabler – Hungary
- VitaComm Educational Services – Cyprus