ReCreate History through 3D, Game Design and Virtual Reality

NEWS 2023

Join our free course and learn how to tell your story using cultural heritage, storytelling, and 3D modeling, while being introduced to a way to create your own video game based on the story you choose. This online course offers you the chance to learn the necessary skills to explore your own cultural heritage, as well as the history and culture of other nations worldwide. It can help you refine and enhance your storytelling abilities, making your stories more captivating and well-structured.

If you decide to follow the developer path, this e-course provides an introduction to the basic elements of mini-game development, supplying you with a starter kit of information for designing your game in Unreal Engine 4 and creating your own 3D models using photogrammetry, Blender, or Agisoft.

To enroll in the course, create a user account here:

Once you’ve created your account, you’ll receive an email containing a confirmation link at your chosen email address. This link may sometimes end up in your SPAM folder, so be sure to check there and confirm your account.

After confirming your email, log in here: and either choose “Recreate History” from the available courses or access the following link:  Here, you’ll find an e-book containing resources and information on your desired subject, in addition to downloadable lesson plans.

An outburst of the worldwide pandemics has added to understanding the importance of contemporary technological skills and competences. 3D modelling and printing was one of the cutting-edge technologies used to respond to the unprecedented risks caused by COVID-19. In the educational sector, interest in the technology is constantly rising. The impact of 3D projects on student learning shows that students develop a number of skills, including not only 3D modelling and technology literacy, but also so-called soft skills, such as creativity, problem-solving, self-directed learning, critical thinking, and perseverance.

Our idea is to take a further step in 3D education at school by making use of technology to explore European and local history and cultural heritage. We want to raise the interest of upper grade pupils in the historical landmarks in their surroundings and develop their creativity by presenting the archaeological objects through modern technologies. This way we will also respond to the need of up-to-date methodologies for the integration of STEAM into content of other subjects.

Seven organizations from three countries: Lithuania, Slovenia and Romania, which represent school education, non-formal education, business and non-governmental sectors, have built a partnership based on cross-sectoral cooperation, in order to come up with innovative solutions for the reinforcement of creativity.

Based on the context of the project and the needs of the target groups, partner consortium has set a goal to develop creative skills among upper grade pupils (age 15-19) and to strengthen competencies of history, art, social science, IT and technology teachers by developing and implementing an innovative training tool to respond to the lack of educational resources for the integration of history and technology.

The objectives of the project are to:
1. Develop a ReCreate History 3D: Game Design, Virtual Reality and Storytelling training tool consisting of lesson materials, teacher’s guidelines and recommendations on the use of the tool.
2. Pilot the product in partner countries for its assessment and improvement.
3. Provide competence development for teachers as key actors in the implementation and sustainability of the produced intellectual output in partner and associated organizations.
4. Engage target group pupils in exciting educational activities to stimulate their creativity, develop technological, personal and social skills, and enhance interest in history.
5. Disseminate the project’s intellectual output across school education, governmental, non-governmental, youth and other sectors.

– Development of ReCreate History 3D: Game Design, Virtual Reality and Storytelling training tool.
– Delivering training for teachers from partner and associated organisations.
– Testing and validating the methodology with target group pupils at partner schools in three partner countries.
– Implementation of a product quality and skill development research to collect feedback from the testing activities for the upgrade of the lesson materials.
– Presentation of the project’s results at local, regional, national and European levels.