CIRCES – a project dedicated to the circular economy
The CIRCES project aims to stimulate the development of circular design skills in vocational education and training systems, improve the skills of trainers, and prepare generations capable of responding to the changes demanded by the world of work on circular development models. Thus, teaching methodologies and game-based training tools (virtual escape rooms) will be developed during the project implementation period, November 2022 – April 2025.
The partners of this project come from 4 countries:
- Romagna Tech – Italy;
- Pannon Business Network – Hungary;
- ARGO – Italy;
- Valeriu Braniste Technological High School – Romania;
- AEIPLOUS Institute – Greece;
- Alma Mater Studiorum – UNIBO – University of Bologna – Italy;
- Predict Csd Consulting – Romania.
The project’s objectives are:
- Identifying knowledge gaps in circular design;
- Designing a curriculum and implementing a set of innovative digital training tools on circular design;
- Guiding teachers and trainers in using innovative game-based teaching methodologies for circular design;
- Promoting the exchange of best practices.
The teaching methodology and training model will be defined through a participatory planning process leading to the CIRCES curriculum, and the model will be implemented using digital tools.
Also, two transnational training courses are planned, one for partner staff – trainers and experts, and the other for students.
The project will have the following results:
- A report on the needs analysis and proposed teaching methodologies;
- The CIRCES curriculum;
- CIRCES training toolkit based on gamification, escape rooms with evaluation and validation methods (badges, microcredits);
- Transnational training for teams and students;
- CIRCES guides for trainers and teachers.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This project reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible or any use which may be made of the information contained therein.