E-VENTURE – Promoting entrepreneurship for young people with fewer opportunities in Europe
The E-Venture project aims to promote entrepreneurship among young people with fewer opportunities in the EU through gamification methodologies and new information and communication technologies.
In particular, the project aims to:
- Develop educational tools and innovative digital methodologies promoting social entrepreneurship among young people with fewer opportunities who are beneficiaries of the project;
- Equip youth workers with the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to support young people with fewer opportunities in generating entrepreneurial ideas or social projects;
- Promote the autonomy of young people with fewer opportunities who are beneficiaries of the project;
- Enhance the employability of project beneficiaries.
E-VENTURE also includes the creation of two main results:
- Development of the “e-VENTURE Training Course Guide,” which provides valuable information to young and potential entrepreneurs interested in social entrepreneurship, business development, and digitalization.
- Development of the “e-VENTURE Gamified Experience.” Through the digital game ‘START-UP QUEST BAKERY,’ young people have the opportunity to explore the world of entrepreneurship interactively, acquiring practical knowledge and information necessary to develop their own entrepreneurial skills.
The access to all the content of the guide and the game can be done on the project website: https://e-venture-learning.eu.
A Fun Way to Master Entrepreneurship
The game can be successfully used in a school setting, covering aspects that are relevant for fields such as Entrepreneurship education and Economics, and presenting them to students in a fun, engaging manner. Students will learn about setting up and running a business, about using resources in an efficient manner and about making profit while also being mindful of the needs of the community. They can be so absorbed in the game that they will not even know they are learning!
Startup Quest Bakery can also serve as an educational tool for youth in non-formal education settings, helping players develop personal and professional skills. They will not only enrich their entrepreneurship skills, but also gain essential competencies such as critical thinking, social responsibility and decision making.
You can have a glimpse of the game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgRe2GE9wzU&t=2s
The game is available for free:
- on STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2907700/Startup_Quest_Bakery/
- and on ITCH: https://predictcsd.itch.io/start-up-bakery

The project “E-VENTURE: Promotion of Entrepreneurship of Young People with Fewer Opportunities in Europe” was implemented by Predict CSD Consulting (Romania), Eveho Private Foundation (Spain), Arsis – Association for the Social Support of Youth (Greece), and LiberaMente (Italy).
This project has been funded with support from the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors. The National Agency and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.