The Climate heritage Game

The Climate Heritage Game project aims to satisfy the very pressing current need for the development of teachers’ digital skills, specifically educational game development skills and to provide them with an engaging and immersive training tool to support online learning. In parallel, the project aims at creating awareness and engagement of students (aged 13-18 years old) with the European priorities of Cultural Heritage preservation and Climate Change mitigation, by employing their favourite pastime, Gaming, as a training method. For both the target groups, teachers and students, the ultimate project goal is to make them more resilient and to prepare them for the new, evolving, digital world.

The specific project objectives are:

  • To create a training course that will train teachers in the digital skills that are necessary for digital game development for a pedagogical context.
  • To make teachers and students aware of their local Cultural Heritage sites, to encourage them to appreciate and become connected with their cultural environment and the ways it contributes to their town’s/city’s everyday life and wellbeing.
  • To train teachers and students on the effects of climate change on cultural heritage.
  • To create an open online game for students of all European schools to use to learn more about climate change and cultural heritage.
  • To develop a series of multimedia elements (original videos, photographs and digital scripts) in order to create awareness of the effects of climate change on cultural heritage in general and their local towns/cities in particular, by the schools involved.
  • To ameliorate students’ skills in cooperating in teams for game development and in familiarizing them with game development.
  • To disseminate the project site and social media effectively in order to increase the impact of the outputs, both the training program for teachers and the free game for students. To enhance the cooperation among European schools.

Target groups:

-Teachers/educators of secondary schools

– Students of secondary schools (13-18 years old)

The partnership is composed of six organizations coming from 6 different countries, all of which have extended experience on the project’s core subjects.

P1. Etudes et Chantiers Corse from France,

P2 IDEC from Greece,

P3 Alcanena School Cluster from Portugal,

P4 Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri (VET centre) from Spain,

P5 Predict CSD Consultancy from Romania,

P6 Prof. Ivan Apostolov School from Bulgaria.
