EN ROUTE is an European project, co-financed by Erasmus+ Programme – KA2 Action Strategic Partnership – VET Innovation, for diffusing shared knowledge of skills in sport and tourism sector, promoting visibility as condition for validation and certification at European level.

The high added value of sport tourism as promotion of health, social well-being for all, in sustainable concept of environmentally friendly and accessible tourism and for urban regeneration are fields of actions of the project. Accordingly to the evident shortage skills’ recognition and validation of sport job profiles, more multi-disciplinary learning approaches are needed, as well as systematic research of mapping of sport profiles skills, developed especially in non formal and informal contexts. 

EN ROUTE Project focus on:

  • supporting entrepreneurial skills of people degree in sport sector for the development of new cross- sectorial professional profiles, with an improvement in the proactive attitude and in the networking ability;

  • stimulating the definition of efficient approaches for the promotion of the territorial potential as well as of sustainable and accessible tourism;

  • promoting the definition of efficient approaches through the creation of new strategic networks, implementing permanent research activities for tourist services renewal;

More information can be found here: https://www.enrouteproject.net